Endurance I kept thinking to myself, what does endurance athlete really mean? Yes we must endure all 140.6 miles of the big race but what do you have to do to get there? All the sacrificing. I asked myself this question because during the time it took for me to train for the races I have done, my 17 year old son has been growing up and away from me. He's going through things I don't care to put down here but they're big. I realized while driving that no matter what, I must endure. I must endure all the heart ache and pain he's putting me through in order for him to endure. I don't know what the future hold for him, heck I don't know what it holds for me. As with training I must take life one day at a time and always believe that good things will happen if you put in work and have a little faith.
that's true endurance! probably makes 140.6 miles seem easy! good luck!